Displaying Code
Documenting your work
When documenting your work, there is nothing better than to show others the code behind your work. Using Retype to design your pages, not only lets you display your code, but also allowing others to copy it. I personally do not know C# however I managed to build this project in C# I know the code is not the best but I managed to get this idea constructed using the below code I wrote:-
How I built this module
using System;
using System.Management.Automation;
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace RetypeRun
[Cmdlet(VerbsData.Initialize, "ReTypeRun")]
public class Retype : PSCmdlet
[Parameter(Mandatory = true)]
public string? Path { get; set; }
protected override void EndProcessing()
string runPath = Path;
ProcessStartInfo ProcessInfo;
Process ProcessRun;
ProcessInfo = new ProcessStartInfo("retype.exe", "run" + " " + runPath + " " + "--verbose");
ProcessInfo.CreateNoWindow = false;
ProcessInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
ProcessRun = Process.Start(ProcessInfo);
WriteObject("Running your Retype website:-" + " " + runPath);
namespace RetypeWatch
[Cmdlet(VerbsData.Initialize, "ReTypeWatch")]
public class Retype : PSCmdlet
[Parameter(Mandatory = true)]
public string? Path { get; set; }
protected override void EndProcessing()
string watchPath = Path;
ProcessStartInfo ProcessInfo;
Process ProcessWatch;
ProcessInfo = new ProcessStartInfo("retype.exe", "watch" + " " + watchPath + " " + "--verbose");
ProcessInfo.CreateNoWindow = false;
ProcessInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
ProcessWatch = Process.Start(ProcessInfo);
WriteObject("Building your Retype website which will be output to:-" + " " + watchPath);
namespace RetypeProject
[Cmdlet(VerbsData.Initialize, "ReTypeProject")]
public class Retype : PSCmdlet
[Parameter(Mandatory = true)]
public string? Path { get; set; }
protected override void EndProcessing()
string projectPath = Path;
ProcessStartInfo ProcessInfo;
Process ProcessInitialise;
ProcessInfo = new ProcessStartInfo("retype.exe", "init" + " " + projectPath);
ProcessInfo.CreateNoWindow = false;
ProcessInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
ProcessInitialise = Process.Start(ProcessInfo);
WriteObject("Initialization process started .yml file will be output here:-" + " " + projectPath);
namespace RetypeBuild
[Cmdlet(VerbsData.Initialize, "ReTypeBuild")]
public class Retype : PSCmdlet
[Parameter(Mandatory = true)]
public string? Path { get; set; }
protected override void EndProcessing()
string websitePath = Path;
ProcessStartInfo ProcessInfo;
Process ProcessBuild;
ProcessInfo = new ProcessStartInfo("retype.exe", "build" + " " + websitePath + " " + "--verbose");
ProcessInfo.CreateNoWindow = false;
ProcessInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
ProcessBuild = Process.Start(ProcessInfo);
WriteObject("Building your Retype website which will be output to:-" + " " + websitePath);
Wrap up
As you can see this an awesome resource for sharing and documenting the code you are working on. It gives you a beautiful professional looking website in no-time at all.